What matters to you matters to us

Brisbane Blood Specialists

Your local expert

Our years of experience and international training bring the cutting edge of Haematology care to Brisbane.

Communication is key

We take the time to listen to your story and help you understand your diagnosis and the best options moving forward.

Rapid access

Providing specialist care when you need it most, our clinic is structured to provide timely access to expert diagnostics and treatment.

We will always listen carefully to what is most important to you—your health decisions and your future goals—and we will decide on a treatment plan with you.

You’ll find we’re great communicators, and we will work hard to help you, your family and your healthcare team to understand your diagnosis and the plan we’ve agreed. We are focused on providing you with expert, personalised care.

We are Specialist Physicians, Pathologists and investigators in ground-breaking clinical trials.

committed to providing expert, personalised care

Brisbane Blood Specialists

Greenslopes Private Hospital

Suite 14 121, Newdegate Street, ​GREENSLOPES QLD 4120

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Mater Health Centre

Suite 4, 16 Weippin Street Cleveland QLD 4163

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Brisbane Blood Specialists

We look forward to partnering with you as your Haematologist.

Consultations are available at Greenslopes Specialist Centre, Greenslopes (all practitioners), and Mater Health Centre, Cleveland (Dr Chatrapati only). All appointments require a referral from your treating General Practitioner or non-GP Specialist.

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